Current Work


As of January 2024, Prosper Portland has successfully completed demolition of the USPS Vehicle Maintenance Facility, relocation of USPS retail operations, sitework and soils remediation, and has recently finished demolition of the USPS main processing and distribution facility.

All four of these construction projects exceed performance goals laid out in the community benefit agreement negotiated with the Healthy Communities Coalition (HCC).

Business and Workforce goals were tracked monthly at the Labor Management Community Oversight Committee (LMCOC).

The following data is from January 2024.

  • 93% of costs were spent at COBID-certified firms

  • Nearly $36M was spent at Minority-Owned firms

Workforce goals for the project were met:

  • 24% of hours worked by Apprentices

  • 70% of hours worked by Minority workers

  • 20% of hours worked by Women workers

Broadway Corridor Completed Projects

Broadway Corridor Labor Management Community Oversight Committee

The Broadway Corridor Labor Management Community Oversight Committee (LMCOC) is comprised of labor and community-based organizations working alongside public works contractors and City staff to ensure all publicly contracted site preparation and infrastructure projects meet and exceed construction and workforce equity goals set forth in the Community Benefits Agreement term sheet negotiated with the Healthy Communities Coalition (CBA Term Sheet). The LMCOC membership includes two representatives from each of the following groups:

  • Owner (from each applicable project, rotating)

  • Project Contractor (from each applicable project, rotating)

  • Construction Trade Unions (Building Trades Council and Northwest Carpenters)

  • Employers (representatives from the Employer category shall be from the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) contracting community, though not necessarily employed on the Project)

  • Community Based Organizations (including state approved pre-apprenticeship programs)


Current LMCOC Membership:

Construction Trade Unions

  • Sanai Monae Hennessee, Western States Regional Council of Carpenters

  • Nathan Stokes, Columbia Building Trades


  • Jorge Guerra, Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs (OAME)

  • Josh McDowell, Philippine American Chamber of Commerce of Oregon (PACCO)

Community Based Organizations

  • Pat Daniels, Constructing Hope

  • Donna Hammond, Oregon Tradeswomen

Public Owners

  • Rotates by project (Prosper Portland, City Bureaus)

Project Contractors

  • Rotates by project





Jul - Sep 2020

Approval of USPS Property Master Plan

Approval of Project Agreement Term Sheets - includes CBA, Development Agreement, Public Investment

Jul - Oct 2020

Demolition of Vehicle Maintenance Facility and contaminated soils remediation

Jul 2020 - Feb 2021

Relocation of USPS Retail to adjacent parking structure


Jun 2022 - Apr 2023

Sitework & soils remediation

Summer 2022 - Winter 2023

Demolition of main processing and distribution facility

Apartment housing

December 2023

RFQ for affordable housing development at NW Johnson and NW 9th Ave
(led by Portland Housing Bureau)




Winter 2023 – Summer 2024

Off-site Utilities
(led by Bureau of Environmental Services and Portland Water Bureau)

Park bench

Winter 2023 – Spring 2025

Park Design
(led by Portland Parks & Recreation)


Spring 2024 – Winter 2025

Extension of NW Johnson St and NW Kearney St through USPS property
(led by Portland Bureau of Transportation)



Northwest Demolition and Dismantling / Raimore Construction team

Women in Construction USPS P&DC Project.jpg

Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF) Demolition


Schedule of on-site work:
July 2020 – October 2020

Project Team:

  • Engineer - Emerio Design

  • Environmental Consultants - Stantec, PBS Engineering and Environmental

  • CM/GC - McDonald Excavating

Summary of Scope: The VMF is located at the northern edge of the Property and is adjacent to the NW Lovejoy bridge ramp. Containing approximately 10,540 square feet of building area, the VMF is a one- and two-story concrete building with an abandoned vehicle refueling pump station. Contaminated soil and an abandoned underground storage tank associated with the former vehicle maintenance and fueling activities will be removed and appropriately disposed of during the work. Additional contaminated soil is located in the northwest corner of the site, the former location of a manufactured gas plant associated with the prior railyard operations. The hot spot soils will be remediated to a level appropriate for commercial and residential development, in consultation with the Department of Environmental Quality and with onsite oversight from Stantec. It is estimated that approximately 2,200 tons of soil will be remediated during the environmental cleanup activities conducted in the VMF area and northwest corner.

Completed Compliance Reporting:

Demolition of the VMF (click/tap for larger view)

USPS Retail Relocation


Schedule of on-site work:
July 2020 – February 2021

Project Team:

  • Architect - GBD Architects with Cornerstone

  • CM/GC - O’Neill/Walsh Community Builders

Summary of Scope: The USPS Retail Relocation project is the construction of a 15,000 square foot Interim US Post Office Facility in the ground floor of the existing parking structure located on the SW corner of the property. This new location will replace the existing retail facility in the main post office structure and will allow for the demolition of the main facility. It is considered an interim facility since a new facility will be built in a future parcel within the redevelopment of the site.

Completed Compliance Reporting:


Sitework and Soils Remediation


Schedule of on-site work:
June - April 2023

Project Team

  • Engineer: KPFF

  • Environmental Consultants: Stantec, PBS Engineering and Environmental

  • CM/GC: Northwest Infrastructure

Summary of scope: Construction of a new driveway for the Post Office delivery trucks and cars utilizing the structured public parking garage is necessary to support ongoing operations of these facilities while redevelopment of the northern portion of the property is underway. This project will also include demolition of the small Electrical Transformer Building and remediation of hot spot soils in the immediate vicinity. This work is partially funded by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for brownfields remediation.

Active Compliance Reporting:


Processing & Distribution Center (P&DC) Demolition


Schedule of on-site work:
Summer 2022 - Winter 2023

Project Team

  • Engineer: KPFF

  • Environmental Consultants: Stantec, PBS Engineering and Environmental

  • CM/GC: Northwest Demolition and Dismantling / Raimore Construction

Summary of scope: The main Processing and Distribution Center (“P&DC”) occupies most of the eastern half of the property. Containing approximately 400,000 square feet of building floor area, the P&DC is a three/four-story reinforced concrete building that contained, primarily, postal processing and distribution facilities, with approximately 240,000 square feet of office space. This was the main USPS processing facility serving Oregon and Southwest Washington. The USPS processing operations have been relocated to the Colwood Industrial Park, and the retail post office has been relocated to the ground-floor of the adjacent parking structure. Demolition of the Processing & Distribution Center is critical to constructing the street and utility infrastructure necessary for the initial phases of redevelopment of the property. A first phase of work will include abatement of hazardous materials and limited soft demolition over several months, followed by demolition of the building and restoration of the site. Close monitoring and coordination will be provided to avoid impacts to the Broadway Bridge, the USPS retail facility, and adjacent neighbors.

Active Compliance Reporting:

Off-Site Utilities
(led by BES, PWB)

Schedule of on-site work:
Winter 2023 – Summer 2024

Project Team: To be contracted/procured by Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) in partnership with the Portland Water Bureau (PWB)

Summary of scope: This project will include upgrading and installing off-site water, sanitary and storm sewer utilities to service the district. Learn more about the project.


Park Design
(led by Portland Parks & Recreation)

Winter 2023 – Spring 2025

Project Team: led by Portland Parks & Recreation

Summary of scope: preliminary design for open space within the Broadway Corridor. Concurrently, PP&R is also leading the design and construction of a new Park Block directly south of the site. Learn more about the project.



Extension of NW Johnson Street and NW Kearney Street
(led by PBOT)

Schedule of on-site work:
Spring 2024 – Winter 2025

Project Team: To be contracted/procured by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT)

Summary of scope: This project will include the extension of NW Johnson and NW Kearney through the site, from NW 9th Avenue to NW Station Way and Union Station. This access is necessary to support future development of new office space, housing, retail, and park space. This work will be led by the Portland Bureau of Transportation.



Project Data

Updated: January 2024

Money Spent at Certified & Non-Certified Firms


Apprentice, Minority, & Women Workers