Community Benefits Agreement Information
CBA Term Sheet and DDA Term Sheet as approved by City Council (9/23/2020)
Comparison of Benefits with and without a CBA
Broadway Corridor Rendering (ZGF Architects, 9/2020)
USPS Master Plan (8/2020)
Design Advice Request #1: Presentation (6/6/2019)
June 4, 2019 - Open House #4: Presentation, Program (English, Español), Community Input Board, Preferred Concept Board, Key Programming Opportunities Board (updated 6/4/2019)
Refined Development Concepts (updated 11/2018)
How Concepts Incorporated Stakeholder Feedback (updated 11/2018)
November 28, 2018 - Open House #3 Presentation
Broadway Corridor Framework Plan (9/2015)
Development Impact Assessment (6/2019)
Broadway Corridor Placemaking Vision (8/2018)
Home Forward and Urban League Awarded City Contract to Build Apartments at Broadway Corridor (8/14/24)
Affordable housing project approved for Portland's Broadway Corridor (8/9/24)
Exciting times for Old Town as Broadway Corridor, North Park Blocks projects move forward (2/29/24)
“Broadway Corridor Request for Qualifications to be released by end of 2023” (10/31/23)
“Prosper Portland and Continuum Partners end negotiations on Broadway Corridor redevelopment” (9/8/21)
“Broadway Corridor redevelopment reaches significant new milestones” (8/11/20)
“Board endorses development concept for Broadway Corridor” (5/8/2019)
“What’s new with the Broadway Corridor project?” (10/31/2018)
“Broadway Corridor Open House, online forum and info sessions” (9/28/2018)
“Broadway Corridor Open House and Online Forum” (7/26/2018)
“Continuum Partners selected for Broadway Corridor project” (4/12/2018)
Public Meeting Presentations
Open Houses
#1: July 25, 2018 at New Song Community Center:
#2: September 26, 2018 at Pacific Northwest College of Arts:
#3: November 28, 2018 at Asian Health & Service Center in Lents:
#4: June 4, 2019 at Irving Street Studio in Ecotrust Building:
Best Practices Panel for Broadway Corridor Community Visioning Workshop on December 7, 2016:
Community Benefits: Ben Beach, Partnership for Working Families
Climate Sustainability: Shelley Poticha, National Resources Defense Council
Economic Development: Tawan Davis, Steinbridge Group
Urban Development: Nolan Lienhart, ZGF Architects
Public Realm: Fred Kent, Project for Public Spaces
Project Documents
Focus Group and Roundtable Reports.
Prosper Portland contracted with Lara Media Services to support public engagement activities for the Broadway Corridor Project with a focus on involvement efforts with disengaged Portland residents who don’t traditionally participate in public meetings and who don’t feel they benefit from large-scale development projects. As part of this scope, Lara Media Services conducted three focus groups, two roundtable sessions, and surveys at three locations with various target audiences. Reports from these sessions are available at the links below:
Focus Group with Low-Income Residents in the Broadway Corridor Study Area, 8/7/2018
DownloadFocus Group with Individuals with Disabilities, 11/6/18
DownloadRoundtable Discussion with Communities of Color, 12/1/18
DownloadFocus Group with Construction Workers, 12/3/18
DownloadRoundtable with Business Owners, Displaced Residents, and Faith Leaders, 12/13/18
DownloadPop-Up Surveys
Broadway Corridor Framework Plan. October 2015.
Download | View online
A feasibility analysis of the Broadway Corridor’s potential to meet a number of established City objectives through the acquisition and redevelopment of the USPS site. The Framework Plan was informed by an advisory committee, public open houses, and stakeholder surveys. As a result of the Framework Plan, City Council authorized a line of credit of up to $40 million to generate resources to acquire the USPS property.Racial Equity Impact Assessment for the Broadway Corridor Project. Spring 2015.
An assessment of how institutional racism historically impacts decision making on a project and an analysis of how the project can be done differently to address historical inequities. According to Race Forward, a REIA is “used to reduce, eliminate and prevent racial discrimination and inequities.”
Steering Committee Documents
Broadway Corridor Steering Committee Charter.
The charter outlines the purpose, scope, and roles and responsibilities of the Steering Committee, which will advise the Broadway Corridor Executive Committee on goals and implementation strategies for the development of the Corridor.
Working Glossary of Terms.
Download | View Online
The glossary is a living document that contains terms related to the Broadway Corridor project that aids in shared understanding of project definitions.Working Planning Tool: Guiding Principles, Project Goals, and Evaluation Criteria (Draft). November 2017.
Planning document used by the Steering Committee to develop the Developer RFQ so that it aligns with the projects’ guiding principles and project goals.Broadway Corridor Toolkit for Public Engagement. Spring 2017.
This document serves as a guide for public engagement around the Broadway Corridor project.
U.S. EPA Brownfield Cleanup Grant Documents
These documents will be submitted to the EPA Brownfields Program to obtain $500,000 in cleanup funds for the US Postal Service site located at 715 NW Hoyt Street in Portland, OR. Comments pertaining to the proposed applications should be sent to Prosper Portland, Colin Polk,, 222 NW 5th Ave, Portland, OR and will be accepted until January 18, 2019.
EPA Brownfield Cleanup Grant Application and Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives.
DownloadEPA Brownfield Cleanup Grant Narrative.
Miscellaneous Documents
Broadway Corridor Request for Qualifications: Development Planning Advisory Services and Redevelopment of the USPS Property. Issued November 8, 2018.
Through this Request for Qualifications (RFQ), Prosper Portland and PHB sought statements of qualifications from development teams to provide advisory services on development planning activities for the Broadway Corridor and upon successful completion of the Development Planning phase, the developer will have exclusive negotiation rights of the USPS Property.Union Station Multi-Modal Transportation Assessment. September 2017.
This document provides an overview of multi-modal transportation services, facilities, and issues in the vicinity of Portland Union Station.
Prosper Portland Policies
Other Resources
Community Benefit Agreements
Partnership for Working Families: Community Benefits Agreements: Making Development Projects Accountable
City of Portland Resolution 37329
Universal Design
Center for Excellence in Universal Design:
Building for Everyone: A Universal Design Approach